Wednesday 21 December 2011

Simple tips to Search for The very best On-line Job Websites

You can find thousands of on-line job sites currently registered on the web. The sheer scope of coverage can be overwhelming, from the local jobs level to the regional jobs level, all the way to the country wide jobs level. You can work full time for many weeks and never search them all.
The secret to a great internet job hunt is to try to filter the range down to the very best ones, especially for non-executive jobs. As a hiring executive, this is the sequence in which I'll submit jobs online. It is therefore the order in which you should spend your on-line job hunt time:
1. The Business Webpage
2. News paper job advertisements.
3. Internet job web sites

Friday 16 December 2011

How to Get Hired Right Out of College

Many students graduating from college are experiencing very negative setbacks. College used to be the place a person could go and expect a job upon graduation. That is not the case these days. Many students end up graduating only to move back in with their parents. When they cannot get hired for the job they had been training and studying to become the entire time, they end up working in the fast food industry, or another minimum wage paying job instead. Everyone knows those minimum wage jobs are not going to cover that student debt! So, what the current graduating class of college students wants to know is, "How can I avoid this path?"

Friday 2 December 2011

How to Market Yourself to Employers

With a sinking economy and many people continually losing jobs, being a quiet job prospector in today's market is the same as being invisible. Getting a job requires making sure you are the one that stands out and is best suited for the job. This is something you already have to be showing before an employer is even involved.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Online Job Search Tips -1

When you search for jobs it can be difficult to spend time and money flipping through the Sunday newspaper. There are times that that time and money comes up with nothing but coupons, and store ads. So what you can do is try job searching online. Here are some tips that you can follow.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Online Job Search Tips

Starting an online job search can be both exciting and frustrating. You might be excited at the thought of being your own boss-to a certain extent, anyhow-and setting your own hours and working in the comfort of your own living room and not having to listen to obnoxious co-workers or having to figure out what to bring to the office holiday party. However, that enthusiasm can quickly fade as you realize how daunting an online job search can be: how many options there are and how much competition there is.

Thursday 27 October 2011

10 Outdated Job-Search Techniques to Avoid

I read a funny anecdote yesterday. It went something like this:

"The boss took half of the resumes we received today and threw them in the trash. He said, "I don't hire unlucky people."

It's funny, it's probably fake, and it's generally not the way things are done. Unless you really do come across a maniac at the top of the food chain, there are certain things you can do to improve your chances of getting an interview, and other things that put your whole career on the back burner. (

Here are ten job-search techniques that you should try to avoid if you want to improve your chances of getting hired.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

7 Deadly Mistakes Of Jobseekers

Job seekers consistently make the same mistakes but these can be avoided.
Job hunting has become a lot more difficult with a slow economy and a higher unemployment rate. Looking for a job can be stressful and daunting not to mention a tedious process. To compound the difficulties, most job seekers fall trap to some of the deadliest job hunting mistakes but the problem is they don't know it.
In today's competitive job market, it's imperative that job seekers recognize these deadly mistakes in order to counter them and increase their chances of landing a job. So if you're reading this then chances are you are looking for a job or know somebody else who is. Check out the seven deadliest mistakes that should be avoided.