Friday, 16 December 2011

How to Get Hired Right Out of College

Many students graduating from college are experiencing very negative setbacks. College used to be the place a person could go and expect a job upon graduation. That is not the case these days. Many students end up graduating only to move back in with their parents. When they cannot get hired for the job they had been training and studying to become the entire time, they end up working in the fast food industry, or another minimum wage paying job instead. Everyone knows those minimum wage jobs are not going to cover that student debt! So, what the current graduating class of college students wants to know is, "How can I avoid this path?"

Up and coming graduates have to keep their ear on the ground. They have to be constantly looking for opportunities to get through the job door after they graduate. Job fairs are one way to do this. All colleges offer job fairs. If the student is serious about getting a job, this is one of the best ways to start. Even if they are not offered a job, it is a good way to get new names and open new contact opportunities. Either way, always come to job fairs prepared. Make sure to dress professionally and bring plenty of resumes.

The second thing students should remember is that from the very first time they step foot on campus they are there to make new acquaintances. It is easy to not get to know anyone or barely show up for classes, but the only thing that is getting hurt in this situation is the student. Every person that is available on campus is there to open up new relations, especially professors. Do not just show up to class to make a grade. Get to know each professor. The student should let them know that they are there to also learn any and everything, not just fill a seat. Professors can give the best job recommendations or even help students to be hired directly out of college.

Work on the resume. This should start in the beginning of college years, and it should be modified often. Let professors give it a look over. They can give advice on what employers want to see on resumes and what stands apart from the pact. Also, having the professor's information listed for recommendation purposes can come in handy.

Next, is to research interesting companies. The student should obtain all of the information available regarding a prospective company prior to applying. Most businesses now-a-days offer all of their information on their website. This will usually list any positions they are currently hiring for, and often times they will go ahead and describe any needed information. So, follow directions, down to the letter.

It is a tighter job market there is no denying that, but having the will to succeed can go a long way. Companies recognize that, and today that is who they are keeping amidst the layoffs. So, soon-to-be graduates should do their homework and stay determined.

Dallas Sumahit is an entrepreneur and enjoys his time creating new and innovative techniques to help people find jobs and become employed. To view more of what Dallas Sumahit does, visit his website at

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