Thursday 29 September 2011

How Do I Really Get a Job?

The job market has changed. Employers literally have a world of candidates to select from. Employers can outsource practically every job that they need to get their product to market and into the hands of the end- user. With that said there are still terrific opportunities to work. Here are my top 10 opportunity suggestions to get working FAST!

1. If you are in an administrative field consider registering with companies that provide employment in the area you are living like Apple One, Office Team, etc... but you could also secure employment working from home from International clients. hires independent contractors from around the world.

2. When looking for work, don't let the commute scare you. Even if the job is farther than where you want to work; apply anyway. Many companies are open to a telecommuting arrangement. You could land a job where you telecommute 2-3 days per week.

3. It's a numbers game! You have to apply for work everyday. Send your resume to a minimum of 10 companies per day. Make sure your resume is applicable to the job you applying too. Don't cut corners! You may need to make daily subtle revisions to your resume. That investment in time and effort will pay off!

4. Have a good working product to start with. Make sure you have a good "base resume". A base resume is one that is accurate with dates of employment and job duties. It's the resume that you simply make subtle changes too. If you don't have a good "base" resume then consider investing in a service that will provide one for you.

5. Networking is key. Let everyone you know; know that you are looking for work. Utilize your social networking sites as an opportunity to find work.

6. When you get a job interview follow-up. Don't assume they don't like you. Send a follow-up letter every week until you hear back. Short notes are best. For example:

Dear Joyce, I wanted to let you know that I am still very interested in the position we discussed a couple of weeks ago. If you have time this week; I am open to coming in to discuss the position in more detail as it relates to my background and experience. Please keep me in mind." Be assertive but polite. The job market is competitive so you have to stay pro-active for every job interview you go on.

7. Volunteer, or apply for an internship. Working for free in an environment can turn into full-time employment fast. Many times an organization just needs to see how good you are. Call HR and offer your services as a volunteer or an intern.

8. Be open- your opportunity to work could mean a pay cut. If it's not too low then be open to it. Negotiate in your offer a salary review after 3 months.

9. Improve your skills- If the job market has changed but your skills haven't go back to school and improve your skills. It may mean enrolling at the local community college or trade school. Manufacturing has left the US at a high rate. If your background is in manufacturing, but the jobs available do not match that background, access your other skills and get training in that area if that's all that is needed to get work.

10. Start your own business. If no one is hiring you, then start your own business. There is tremendous grant opportunities for new profit and non-profit organizations.

All The Best,

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